
CABIHO - We started our operations from March 2021. Although we started in the context of the dicult economic situation and the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic, we were still able to operate and adapt to the circumstances of developing in a context where many enterprises can face many diculties. That's because we have a strong foundation in the supply chain of products in the Seafood industry. Our supply chain system includes

We have been operating for over 20 years in the field of catfish farming, with an area of over 200 hectares. 
The farming area meets ASC standards – one of the most stringent standards in the aquaculture industry. 
The harvested output ensures raw materials for the Company and supplies to some factories in neighboring provinces


 02 - Production Factory: 
The factory produces aqua feed, self-supplying the farming area.


  03 - Seafood processing factory: 
The capacity is over 200 tons of raw materials per day


 04 - Cold storage system: Cold storage system with a capacity of 7500 tons.